The Importance of Having Goals
Anna Laible | Editor In 2021, nothing is going to be given to you on a silver platter. You need to put forth the work and effort to earn...
Words From The Editor
Anna Liable | Editor Being an editor is a completely different experience then being a writer. Starting as a writer for Sports...
Words From The Editor
Matt Beck | Editor I'm not much for words without the motivation from an image. Being a visual learner, I escape by simply imagining. My...
Streaming: The Death of Movie Theaters
Matt Beck | Editor I remember in my youth that going to the movies was an experience unlike any other. The atmosphere was exciting--giant...
What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?
Tiara Escueta | Writer I would tell my younger self that life is way too fast, and I mean really fast. So enjoy all of it.
What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?
Arielle Dros | Writer What I would tell my younger self is to live life to the fullest. People don’t make you, you make you. Most people...
What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?
Brianna Tassone | Writer I would tell my younger self to just enjoy life and playing with my friends because when you get older it’s not...
What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?
Jayna Davis | Writer If I could tell my younger self anything it would be, "It gets better, the only way to go is up. Also - invest in...
What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?
Ann Marie Saavedra| Writer Not everything is finished, you will get to where you want to be.
What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?
Katelyn Quevy | Writer “Do not stop giving up and living your life. A teacher is not going to be your career anymore sadly. But hey even...