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If you could rewatch a movie or TV series for the first time, what would it be? Why?

Lauren Rehrig


"The Office", because it's really funny, and I feel like throughout the show you learn the characters so it would be cool to experience that again.


Jessica O'Neill


“La La Land” because it is a different twist on a classic romantic movie.


John Media

Amazon Student

“Shutter Island” with Leonardo DiCaprio because I really liked the ending of the movie.


Gianna Granick

Early Childhood Education

“Lost” because I got almost all the way through it, but then I stopped watching it during COVID. I wish that I could rewatch it because I don’t have the heart to sit through all of it again because it is a sad show.


David Mendez


“The Mask” featuring Jim Carrey because I loved it as a kid and it would bring back joy.


Jaden Gonzalez


“Scarface” was an amazing movie, and honestly, the last scene is amazing. It’s unexpected and surprises the audience.


Emma Miller


“Grey’s Anatomy” because I love the show! I have been watching it since middle school, and I love the drama and medical aspects.


Aiden Sommer

Electrical Technology

“The Blacklist” because it was a very good show, and I’d want to see it again without knowing what happens.


Austin Philhower


“The Willoughbys” was sweet and weird-feeling, and it had that early Pixar feel with the bright colors but had a very dark plot."


McKayla Lawley

Vet Tech

“Indiana Jones” because it’s an adrenaline rush.


Scarlett Almazar

Culinary Arts

“Assassination Classroom”, because it has inspired me a lot to do better. I wish I had the type of education that was on that show.


Alyson Quijada


“Dragon Ball, because I watched it in my childhood and that helped me make friends and learn as a person.”


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