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Managing Your To-Do List

Healley Saltz | Editor 

It never ends. As I cross off that pesky assignment from my to-do list, my satisfaction is soon met with dread: there is so much more to do. Just flipping through my to-do journal makes me anxious because it is only half full, with ubiquitous reminders of stress in the form of black ink. Yet, I am also proud of what I’ve accomplished thus far.  

This is how many college students feel: we steady ourselves, but soon have the carpet pulled out from under our feet. This is why an incremental approach is imperative. 

It may sound trite, but taking life one day at a time, or one assignment at a time, can ease many anxious feelings. While it's important to stay mindful of long-term goals, focusing on one task at a time can help reduce the overwhelming sense of anxiety that often comes with juggling multiple responsibilities. 

This not only can be applied to managing school but also one’s personal life. By breaking everything down into manageable chunks, it's easier to maintain a sense of control and make steady progress.

So when panic begins to seep in, take a step back. It’s easy to stress over all that could be done, but instead focus on what must be done. Do that first, and then make a plan to tackle the next item on your to-do list. 

It’s inevitable that to-do lists will grow, but they shouldn’t dictate your life. You are more than just your responsibilities. 

Photo Credit: MART PRODUCTION, Pexels


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