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Unlocking Opportunities: The Advantages of the Donley Center in Allentown

Jared Speicher | Writer

LCCC Donley Center building.

The LCCC Donley Center, located in Allentown, offers many benefits to help further a student's career. The Donley Center allows students to pursue their education while also focusing on work, family, and other commitments outside of school.

The Donley Center's hours are 8 a.m- 9:45 p.m. Monday through Thursday and Friday 8 a.m- 5 p.m., which allows those who cannot find time throughout the traditional workday to attend classes and continue their current profession.

“Students can create a blended schedule,” said Amber Zuber, Director of Site Education Services at LCCC.

The Donley Center also offers non-credit programming to help students pursue their careers, GED preparation and testing, classes to help those whose non-primary language is English, and short term job training.

LCCC is consistently trying to improve the overall student experience at the Allentown site. According to the LCCC website, in 2019, the addition of two high tech classrooms, as well as a simulation lab for students in Licensed Practical Nursing within the seven floors was made available for student use.

“LCCC has so many resources to support students and each campus has a staff dedicated to the students,” Zuber said.

LCCC often hosts events at the Donley Center, such as the Fall Job Fair this upcoming Nov. The Donley Center also has student workers at the front desk of the building to assist students.

Allentown has several parking options around the Donley Center, all charging $75 a month and or $1 an hour, including street parking alongside the Donley Center on Hamilton Street and Seventh Street.

The Donley Center has and will continue to be utilized by students looking to further their education. Through the help from LCCC professors, counselors and administrators, the student experience at the Donley Center can be beneficial to anyone pursuing their education through LCCC.


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